Sunday, December 24, 2006

Vrrmas Vrrm

1. Vrrrm vvvmm

2. Vvvrrrrrmmmm mmrrrmmvv vvvrm

3. Vrrrm Turbo! (LOL!)

4. Vrrrmmm $1,000,000,000

5. Vrrrmmmrrrmm

6. Vvvv

7. Rvvmmm.


Anonymous said...

I've said, "Vrrrm rmv rrr rvm vrr, vvrrm vrrrm" before... but since Santa's watching, I'll just wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope you get everything on your list except #3.
Don't you need to go suck up some pine needles?

Anonymous said...

We have to agree with A04. After you asked for #3, we would be surprised if Santa brings you anything!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Anonymous said...

If that thing goes after my friend Tubey, the fur's definitely gonna fly! I'm a big 119 pound Malagal, and I can chew that wimpy d-animal into pieces!!

No body messes with my fur friends!!


D. Animal said...

Vrrrrm vvrmrmrmv & vvvrmmm vrrm! Vrrmv Vvvrrmvv!